Beverage Packaging and Importance of Being Market Responsive

Beverage Packaging and Importance of Being Market Responsive

As the summer arrives, the sale of juice and other refreshing beverages will grow. Amidst all the marketing and communication campaigns, one thing that ensures their sale is the availability of the appropriate sizes and proportions. Many international agencies have published reports on changing consumer behaviour; they all propose portion packs. These reports say that consumers now prefer portion packs as it becomes easy for them to carry, consume and dispose of. Portion packs are easy to distribute as well.


Size Does Matter


Recent market research suggests that juices between 80 ml to 200 ml size packs sell almost triple than all other sizes combined. It is a clear and meaningful insight for beverage manufacturers. Eventually, all beverage companies launched their bouquet of portion packs with multiple flavours and designs.


Importance of Being Market Responsive


Portion pack is the most significant segment for aseptic liquid packaging companies, especially 50 ml to 250 ml sizes. For them, it is imperative to read the market pulse well in advance and be ready with these sizes before the demand arises from beverage companies. It is important to be market responsive.


Asepto has been market responsive since its beginning and continues to do so. Asepto read the market pulse and introduced three new sizes in the portion pack range – 50 ml, 80 ml and 200 ml. With these sizes being available, Asepto has now expanded its catalogue of portion packs to up to 23 variants.





50 ml

Trio Pack

PPH with Scissor-cut option

60 ml

Trio Pack

PPH with Scissor-cut option

70 ml

Pillow Pack

Scissor-cut option

80 ml

Base Pack

Scissor-cut option

90 ml

Trio Pack

Scissor-cut option

100 ml

Base Pack

Scissor-cut, Perforation and PPH options

100 ml

Pillow Pack

Scissor-cut option

110 ml

Trio Pack

Scissor-cut option

125 ml

Slim Pack

Scissor-cut and PPH options

150 ml

Trio Pack

Scissor-cut option

150 ml

Ultra Slim

Scissor-cut and PPH options

160 ml

Slim Pack

Scissor-cut and PPH options

180 ml

Ultra Lean

Scissor-cut, Perforation and PPH options

200 ml

Curve Pack

Scissor-cut and PPH options

200 ml

Base Pack

Scissor-cut and PPH options

200 ml

Slim Pack

Scissor-cut, Perforation and PPH options

200 ml

Square Pack

Scissor-cut and PLH options

200 ml

Pillow Pack

Scissor-cut option

200 ml

Spectra Pack

Scissor-cut and PLH options

200 ml

Crown Pack

Scissor-cut, Perforation and PPH options

250 ml

Pillow Pack

Scissor-cut option

250 ml

Slim Pack

Scissor-cut and PPH options

250 ml

Base Pack

Scissor-cut and PPH options


The Design Embellishment

Asepto not only manufactures a variety of portion packs but also augments them with contemporary design and marketing aesthetics. It has a full-fledged design team that does market research to identify consumers’ design preferences. It uplifts the overall look and feel of the pack in terms of labelling, colour combinations, nutrition value details and impressive imageries.



Asepto believes in providing end-to-end packaging solutions. Whether it is about being market-ready with the right shape and size, to making the pack aesthetically outstanding, Asepto makes it possible for its clients. It is, perhaps, this reason that makes Asepto the most preferred packaging partner, globally.

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